Monday, October 27, 2008

A new verse...

Well, Anson has learned a new verse and we are very proud of him! It only took him 5 minutes to learn this one. Hopefully we can add one new one every week. So here he is reciting Genesis 1:1...

While Ella is not quoting Scripture yet, she is walking quite well now! I would say that walking is now her preferred way of getting from one point to another! Ella is still very stuffy but Anson is almost over his cold. Dusty and I are still in and out of feeling well but hopefully will be better soon! We are having some chilly fall weather here with highs in the low 50's so we have been inside most of the day (trying to get these colds to go away). But the leaves are really turning now and it is very pretty! I'll go out and take some pictures soon and post them.

Have a great week!


Unknown said...

Anson is such a sweetie, as usual. I still smile every time I see his picture. Last week Alex said he knew his SS verse already. I asked him what it was and he replied, "Thou shall not commit adultery." Not what I was expecting. Of course, they are learning all 10 commandments but I got a kick out of that one.

Arin Rollins said...

Cindy, great to hear from you! How is that grandbaby? Alex's verse story is funny! Anson is in the why stage and his next question would be, "Mommy, what is adultery?"

Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

Way to go, Anson! We're so proud of you! And you too, sweet Ella! You and Charlotte can have foot races this Thanksgiving :)