Happy Halloween! We just got back from trick-or-treating and Anson had so much fun! He kept saying, "Can we get MORE candy if we knock on THIS door?" as if he was astonished to know that all you had to do was knock on doors to get candy... and to think that all this time we've just walked through the neighborhood and never knocked on doors! :o) At one house, they answered the door in a spooky costume and he high-tailed it back down the sidewalk to me! After that, he was quick to come up with a plan... he told his little girlfriend Sagan , "You go knock on the door and I'll wait right here, OK?" Is he his father's son or what??? Always has a plan. :o) But he was very polite and said "Happy Halloween" when they answered the door and "Thank you" when they gave him candy. I just had to remind him to only take one piece and not a fist-full! We stayed out a little over an hour and Ella already had her little head down on my sholder. We were home and kids in bed by 8:00 so it was perfect. Poor Dusty missed out on the fun but had he been home he would not have felt up to it anyway. He is the last family member with the lingering flu. Poor guy. Hope you all had a great day!
(As you can see, Anson fell in love with the cowboy costume. He kept neighing like a horse and saying "ya hoo!" like a cowboy. He really got into the role! I was just glad to find a costume at the last minute!)
What cute pictures! I love Ella's Fall dress! Way better than a costume. I wish you were here to help me learn to sew!
Ella's dress is darling, how talented you are! I think we should make it catch on, no more expensive outfits-- just fall fairies and elves for Halloween. And nothing scary, I'm with Anson! 8) Keidi
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