We are really enjoying Fall this year! Now that we are feeling better we are able to go out and enjoy the weather. The foliage is beautiful everywhere we go. It is so neat to hear Anson say "Mommy, look at those beautiful leaves!" I'm glad he likes it as much as we do. We went to the park this afternoon and Anson played soccer with a little boy and his dad. He was pretty good at running and kicking the ball at the same time (I don't know the correct soccer terms... who knows, maybe I'll be a "soccer mom" someday and have to learn them all! :o)
We also carved a big pumpkin this afternoon, who we lovingly call "Mr. Pumpkin"! We gave him a silly face and not a scary face per Anson's request. We try not to make a big deal of Halloween, but we are planning to go trick-or-treating with his little friend Sagan. They live on the street behind us so we will just walk down their road and home again. I made Ella a little fall dress to wear instead of a costume. I don't have a costume for Anson yet so I hope I can find one tomorrow! (Nothing like waiting until the last minute!) I was going to try to make him one but my creative juices were not flowing! I'll post the Halloween pics tomorrow...
1 comment:
Tim took Alex and Andrew trick or treating for the first time ever last year. We have all elderly neighbors and they asked us to bring the boys by. So now we have to do it again. Last year they wore their baseball uniforms and this year, like you, I still don't know what they will wear. I do have a box of props for The Merchant of Venice :)
The grandbaby (Timmy, Timocito, Tiny Tim) is just adorable. I am having a blast holding him every chance I get. I just hate to share with the line of uncles and aunt.
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