Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Our Orthopaedist called me this evening after reading the results of Ella's ultrasound and he said she could go to just nights now! Yea!!!! We go for one last check-up in six weeks and this whole ordeal will be behind us! He continues to assure us that the hip is healing/growing properly and that there should be no long term problems. So six more weeks of wearing the harness at night time and then it's done. This means that she can finally wear all those cute little clothes and shoes again, that she can learn to roll over and scoot and sit up... Freedom! Yea Ella! We thank the Lord that our Pediatrician found the problem and that it was easily solved.

We are leaving early in the morning to go to Columbia, SC to see Uncle Gavin (Dusty's youngest brother) graduate from basic training in the Army National Guard! He has worked so hard and we look forward to celebrating with him! Anson is excited to see Gavin in his uniform. I just gave Anson a buzz cut and packed a camo outfit for the occasion so he could be like Uncle Gavin in the Army! Hopefully I can get a good shot of the two of them and post it this weekend...

Funny Story...
Today we said a quick prayer in the car as we headed to the store and I said "Anson, we can pray to God anytime and He always listens!" Anson thought for a minute then said "Mommy, we pray ONLY to GOD, NOT to idols"! Every night, since he was six months old, we read a few pages in his Bible our Pastor gave him when he was dedicated. One of the stories is when Aaron made and idol while waiting for Moses. Well, Anson remembered! Everything we read sinks in! What an encouragement as a mother to start seeing fruits of labor!

2 Timothy 3:15 - 16
"...from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to
give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ
Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness."


TheHarriman Family said...

Have fun in South Carolina! I will miss you :-). I feel like we live close again with all this blogging we have been doing!

Anonymous said...

Yea for Ella! And Anson's comment is so heart-warming!