Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Friday!

Well, today Dusty took Anson to the zoo while I took Ella shopping and we all had a great time! Anson LOVES seeing all the animals and riding the train. When they came home he had so many stories to tell Ella and I. His favorite thing today was "touching a pig's tummy"! We are very fortunate to have the Atlanta Zoo literally in our neighborhood! We now have a pass so we can go any time.
Ella is really growing fast! I don't know the facts about how much a person's personality is formed by 5 months, but she seems to be really laid back and just as sweet as can be! In the thumb-sucking picture above, she was patiently waiting for Anson to finish eating so I could feed her. She fussed for a second then just started sucking her thumb, as if to say "OK, this will do for now". As you can tell, she doesn't miss many meals!
I talked to her orthopaedist yesterday and he didn't think the ultrasound technicians had taken the right pictures! (They were more interested in talking about what they were going to have for lunch, I guess) So we're still waiting to hear... in the mean time she's still wearing the harness
24/7. Oh well. Well have a great weekend!

1 comment:

TheHarriman Family said...

It is so cute that we both have thumb sucking girls! Eve sucks her left though. Ella is just too cute with that thumb in her mouth!