Friday, March 12, 2010

First Smiles

I published this entire post using one hand! I actually have a whole list of things that I can now do with one hand! I guess that is what being a mom teaches you! We have had a crazy week with kids being sick but things are looking up! And kuddos to my best friend and hubby who helps sooo much with the kids and cooking and cleaning and yes, even laundry!
I will write a better update when I have two hands free. .... May be a while! :o)


Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

His smile is SO sweet! What a handsome little guy!

It's amazing what all we can learn to do with the use of just one hand, isn't it!?

Keidi said...

I am feeling you on the one hand business. I know there will be a time when we long for these days, how lucky we are and how precious it is to hold babies all day, but right now... I just would kind of like to walk around and do things all by myself, without someone holding on to my legs or in my arms.