At his well check-up on Friday, Asa weighed 9 pounds 8.5 ounces and was 21 and 3/4 inches long! So he has grown 2.5 pounds heavier and almost 3 inches longer since birth! I was very happy with his report!
This past week he was having a terrible time with gas and was very fussy for a few days, mostly in the evening. I was getting a little worried that I gave birth to a cranky baby, but when we figured out it was a gas issue I began my online research. I was giving him Mylicon gas drops, which I found out only joins together small gas bubbles making them into one big gas bubble so it is easier to make them burp. But if they don't burp, that huge gas bubble moves down into their system causing great pain! Then I read about "gripe water" and decided to give it a try. It is a natural remedy which has ginger and fennel in it which calms their stomach and helps get rid of the trapped gas. After one dropper full of this gripe water, he was a new boy!! He has been so calm and relaxed and can even burp now! So I would like to thank the makers of gripe water for the return of my happy baby boy! ( By the way, I bought the "Little Tummies" brand by Little Remedies, available at Target and most pharmacies in the antacid section).
So that was the bulk of my week, exciting huh? Anson and Ella have been good. I took them to Monkey Joes on Monday (an indoor jumping place) and Dusty took them to the Yellow River Game Ranch on Thursday (and gave me the morning off!) The ranch has all the animals indiginous to Georgia, which unfortunately includes some pretty obnoxious free range chickens! The chickens followed them around and freaked out the kids and one pecked Ella's finger. So they didn't stay too long but it was fun to see all the animals. I got to go do some shopping with Asa while they were gone. I had not been in an Ann Taylor for months so it was nice to be back! Asa slept almost the whole time!
Dusty has been soooooooo helpful with the kids and housework, especially since Asa's birth. He cooked dinner twice this week, did the dishes a few times, took the kids on outings, and even did some laundry! What an awesome husband I have! I am so thankful to be married to my best friend!!
So this week we are heading to FL for a couple days. Most of "my readers" know, but for those of you who don't know, we are planning on moving to FL in the next 6 months! We put an offer on a house in DeLand and are still waiting for an answer (it is a short sale so we are dealing with a beurocratic bank) We should know something soon! We are very excited about the move! It is a perfect time to make a move before Anson starts school. We will be very glad to be close to our families again! So please keep us in your prayers and we decide on housing and just for the move in general!
And last but not least, I thought this video was so funny! Asa has a very active sleep phase just before he wakes up. He opens his eyes and makes squeaking sounds, etc. I could see him moving into this phase when we were at the park and caught it on camera. Enjoy! :o)
Asa is such a cutie pie! And--Congrads on your move to Florida! I'll bet you are excited to get close to all the grandparents. Where in Deland is the house? Also-did you make Ella's dress? It is adorable!
I'm looking at your pictures with Adessa and she's transfixed by Ella's "beautiful gown". She says: "Ohhh, that's a long beautiful gown. Does she spin in it?" I love it that they have a bit of a relationship already. 8) How exciting you'll get to move to FL. I'll be thinking of you moving with three kiddos, yikes! They are beautiful!
I think I'll just live vicariously through you - Rodeo Whip, concerts at Stetson, etc. I'm so excited for you guys!
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