This puts his size in perspective!
Just before his first bath.
Today is Asa's two week birthday! He is doing really well! He weighs between 7 and 7.5 pounds now and is eating well. We are having so much fun with him! Anson and Ella still love to hold him and talk to him. Anson tells him stories about all the "Big Boy" things they will do together when Asa is "4 like Anson". :o) Today was also the first day we were on our own! Dusty's parents left yesterday and my parents were here the week before. We are so thankful for our wonderful parents who were willing and quite able to come help take care of housekeeping and Anson and Ella while I recooperated! I don't know what I would have done without them! Actually, I would have been curled up in a little ball under the table (or something to that effect!) But now at the two week mark I feel pretty good! Today we ventured out to Target and the grocery store. Asa and Anson were great! Ella whined, complained about Anson standing too close to her on the end of the cart, kept putting things in the cart, and then at the Target checkout she handed the lady a candy bar and the she had it rung up and back in Ella's hand before I noticed! I made her void the purchase and had Ella put it back which resulted in a minor melt-down with waterworks! And that was before we made it to the grocery store! Two year olds are a challenge!
Well, enjoy the new pics of Asa! More to come soon!
He looks so teeny up on Dusty's shoulder like that! What a cutie pie! It'll be so fun to see him and Naomi side by side. We can't wait to see ya'll!
And I'm glad to hear it's not just my "sweet" two-year-old girl who is a challenge. I thought girls were supposed to be easy at this age! They must get it from their fathers... their mothers are just too sweet to pass along any fiesty genes like that ;)
He is so cute, Arin. Alex was tiny after so many big babies and it is fun to have a few extra weeks of babyness.
I am picking up Christopher at the airport on Friday afternoon around 4:30. If I get there a couple of hours early will y'all be home? I would love to see the baby and his siblings.
Arin, he is so precious! I'll bet you are loving him up good! And....I hear you on the "precious" two year olds :o)
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