Dusty's first shirt I made!
I am looking out my bedroom window, watching two of our workers re-seed the backyard. They also cleared a place for us to plant a small garden. Can vegetables grow in the city? In the past my thumb has been many colors but never green, so we'll see! :o) I'll post pics soon.
Anson and Ella have been fighting a cold this week. Anson had a high fever in the night a few days this week and stayed warm during the days. Ella had more of a yucky runny nose. Today they both seem to feel much better. I really stay on top of Anson's fevers ever since the time he scared me to death when he was 18 months old! (He had febrile convulsions in the middle of the night and Dusty and I thought he was dying! As it turns out, febrile convulsions are harmless just very, very scary!) So I made sure his fever stayed under control and checked him often. I'm a little sleepy today!
I just made Dusty his first shirt! I think it came out pretty good for a first! I have enough material left over to make Anson one that matches! Cheesy, I know! :o) But I'm the Mom and I'm going to make them wear them!
Anson informed me this morning that we can not see God but his elephant can! And elephant says that God looks good! Anson lives vicariously through his elephant. His mind never stops! (Neither does his mouth! He even talks in his sleep!) Whata kid! :o)
And Ella is trying so hard to talk! She jabbers a lot and tries to say words after us. Anson tries to teach her new words every day. It is so cute. One day she is just going to speak in sentences! She stayed home with Dusty this morning while Anson and I went to my Bible study and I got to talk to her on the phone for the first time. She kept saying hi! Hi! It was so cute.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Have a good Good Friday and a Happy Easter!
I am very impressed by all that you've been sewing! You have to make a matching shirt for Anson- the pictures would be adorable!!! I hope the sickness is over and done with. It has been a nasty season!
Great job on the shirt! If you can sew that good, you can definitely figure out how to garden :-) I hope the kiddos are feeling better. Anson reminds me so much of Isaac at that age. He still talks my ear off, so he'll never grow out of that :-)
Maybe it's a boy thing! Benjamin continues to make noise - talking, singing, banging, stomping - it doesn't matter as long as it is noise :D
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