Ella really seems to be growing up so fast! She is having lots of firsts these days... like her first temper flare-up ( I wouldn't call it a tantrum, it was more like a hissy fit! :o) her first skinned knee, her first attempt at singing along... and she really has a pretty good sense of humor! Yesterday I had her alone with me in the car and I was trying to get her to say "mama" . Everytime I would say "Say Mama" she would say "Dada" and just crack herself up laughing! She knows how to say Mama and usually says it when she's hurt and needs a kiss or if she wants something really bad.
This week we went to the zoo to see the new Parakeet exhibit. There are around 500 parakeets flying around in a big aviary enclosure which you can walk through and feed the birds! They give you a food stick when you come in and the birds will actually land on the stick and stay there and eat! Anson and Ella loved it! I though it was pretty cool myself! Nice new addition to our awesome zoo.
Today we went to a smaller park near us (Glenwood Park) and the kids had fun running and sliding and climbing. Ella does it all now! She can climb up the stairs and go down the slide all on her own... and loves it! Anson had fun kicking his soccer ball in the field with a little boy. He initiated it! He went and asked the boy if he wanted to kick the ball and excitedly said "Come on!" One thing Anson is NOT is shy!!! In fact yesterday he piped up and asked the teller at the bank if they had any lollipops (even though he had just disobeyed me in the car and I told him "no lollipop" - he thought he would try anyway!!! and he did not get the lollipop!) And at Chic-Fil-A, he watched some kids take their kids meal prize up to the counter and exchange it for ice cream. Well, you would have thought it was Christmas! He was so excited to exchange HIS toy for ice cream. So no more cute Chic-Fil-A books for Anson... he'd rather have the ice cream! And he goes to the counter all by himself and says "Excuse me. Could I please have some ice cream?" When he gets back to the table I ask him if he remembered to say thank you. At that point he runs back to say "Excuse me, thank you!" The workers usually get a kick out of him! Fun times!
Well, we hope you have a great week! Check back soon for my first ever Rollins4 give away! I am going to start giving away some of my hand made goodies to my blog readers! It should be fun!
They are growing up so fast! And way to go, Ella, for trying out the potty! (I hope that's not far away for Charlotte!)
And I really hope I win some of your home-made goodies!!
Cute, cute, cute! Your handiwork, your kiddos, their antics, CUTE! 8) I'm getting seriously jealous about your zoo and it's closeness, that must be so nice. We have yet to take Adessa to the SF one, but need to. I was about to ask if you were going to sell your bags and clothes, they are wonderful! (A give away is so fun, too!)
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