Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our 8 seconds of fame!

We had an exciting shopping experience on Saturday! We went to Sams Club to buy a few things and ended up on the ABC National News! A couple minutes after walking into the store a man came up to me and said "I'm from ABC news, can I ask you and your family a few questions?" So we said yes and ended up on the news! Here is the clip if you want to watch it:

They followed us around the store filming us buying shorts for Dusty and then the diapers. They used the diaper clip for the national news. Dusty had a positive comment about the economy and how our business was doing well but of course they didn't use that! Bad news sells. Oh, well. But hey! It was cool being on the news! Click on the link above and it should play after a quick commercial.

1 comment:

TheHarriman Family said...

Wow! I know someone famous! How cool is that :-).