Happy Boy!
While Dusty is in DeLand, slaving away working on our house, we are sitting around in Atlanta having picnics! It was beautiful outside today! We found butterfly catchers at Target and decided to have a picnic and try them out. They used them to put their picked flowers in as there were no butterflies to be seen. And after running areound on the playground, they are all napping now!!
1 comment:
How picturesque! That looks like a lovely picnic. The kids are getting so big, they definitely look tall! 8) And, while I'm sure Dusty is working hard in Deland, it's no picnic taking care of three kids by yourself. (I am not speaking from experience, here, just assuming 3 is harder than 2, which is hard enough.) Arin, you're a champ and make it all seem possible. I hope Dusty gets back soon to help you out. 8)
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