Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Anson's Bedtime Prayer Tonight

"Dear Jesus,
Please help Ella to have a good night sleep and not be afraid of the dark. Amen
Oh, and please let it not rain again. Amen.
Oh, and please God, Oh pretty please, if it has to rain one day only let it rain a little.

Ella had just been complaining that it was too dark in their room. So I said, "Anson will tell you that when you pray, Jesus will help you not to be afraid", hence his prayer. And this afternoon when he was playing outside, it rained on him. :o)

Naptime at our house is interesting... Anson plays "quietly" in his room, Ella sleeps like a rock in Asa's room, and Asa sleeps in our room. But since naptime is the time I use to get work done, I am usually on the computer or on the phone. Asa used to be able to sleep through my noise but not anymore, so this week I tried putting him, cradle and all, in my bathroom for naptime! It worked well! But today Dusty was going to come home during nap time and need the use of our facilities so into the closet went Asa! No sooner had I put his cradle into the closet (don't worry, it's a big closet) Anson walks in and asks where Asa is. When I told him he was in the closet, he chuckled and said "Now that is a strange place for a baby!" His tone was almost to say "Mom, don't you know babies don't go in the closet!" What a kid!

1 comment:

Keidi said...

Cute! I always wonder how other people do naptime with more than one kid, and with three... a true challenge. How nice that Asa transports. 8)