A cute quick story...
The other night I was reading to Anson before bed and one of the books he chose was the Velveteen Rabbit. When we got to the part about the little rabbit being put in a bag to be thrown out, Anson turned to me with tears in his eyes and said "I'm sad, Mommy". I assured him that the story would have a happy ending but he still cried. He almost made me cry! I did read him the rest of the story but he still thought it was sad. I think he is really starting to relate to other's feelings!
On Friday Papa had his first big outing to the mall with us! He did really well! He pushed Ella in the stroller for stability. He was tired at the end of the day but his stamina is definitely coming back! Then on Saturday he went with us to Target. Today it is freezing cold so we are staying inside.
While we were at the mall, we stopped to see Santa! Anson was so excited to see him! Ella was a little less excited but she didn't cry. She looked at the camera girls (trying desperately to get her to smile) with a look like "I'll sit here but I won't smile!" The picture turned out really cute. But it was so cute to hear Anson... as soon as he sat on Santa's knee he said, "Santa, I've been a good boy! I'd like a red bicycle please!" He cut right to the chase. He knew Santa would ask if he'd been good! We'll see if he makes it to Christmas!! :o) He's been a little "out of sorts" with Gramma and Papa here and has needed some extra disciplining. But he is a good boy.
More excitement!! Ella said her first real word today! She said "hot" and pointed to the heater! She jabbers a lot but this was her first meaningful word! And she now has 2 top teeth and one bottom tooth, all right in front! I was beginning to think she didn't have any teeth! She goes in for her 15 month check-up on Tuesday.
That's all I can think of for now. Have a great week!
Your creations just get cuter and cuter! I love Ella's little dress!
I always thought the Velveteen Rabbit was depressing. I remember wondering why my mom kept it around. I'm with you, Anson! 8) Cute pics, looks like lots of Christmas fun at your house! Keidi
Our little ones are at such a fun age - enjoy!
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