Ella's 3rd Birthday was actually well over a week ago... running a little behind with these posts! This year Ella looked forward to her birthday ever since Anson's birthday in June! Right now she is into princesses, castles, everything purple and green, and tinkerbell. Her favorite princess changes daily but she will usually say Cinderella or Snow White. And since we live so close to the best castle in America, we took a trip to Disney for Ella to see the castle and as many princesses as we could meet. It was great! She loved every minute! (So did we! Enough to buy yearly passes!) Jared, Brittany, Charlotte and Naomi went too and they also bought passes so we are looking forward to going to Disney quite a bit in the next 12 months! Ella got to meet Cincerella, Jasmine, and Sleeping Beauty. When I asked Ella who she liked the best she said "Cinderella... but I didn't like Jasmine" When I asked her why not, she said "because she didn't have all her clothes on!" Way to go Ella! You just keep that view as a teenager and we'll be alright! :o)
Then on Saturday the 11th we had her birthday party at our home. She had a lavender and green decorated cake with little castles and flowers and I made lavendar and green tutu's for Ella and her friend Grace to wear at the party with their pretend tieras. It was a nice little party and she received many wonderful gifts fit for a princess! We are so proud of Ella and can't believe that she is growing up so fast!
Happy Birthday, Ella! I see the princesses have invaded your house, too! What a cutie she is. Okay, now I'm going to start lobbying for a trip to Florida to enjoy Disney World with you guys. If I start now, maybe by the time our girls are in school we'll be ready. 8)
Happy Birthday to Ella! Eve is really into princesses too. What is it about 2-3 year old girls :-). Looks like you are having a great time in Florida!
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