Yes, it was pretty for a day but we have had enough cold weather! The kids played in the snow for about 10 minutes and never asked to play again... it was that cold! But we had a fun time making snow angels! Anson was dying to make a snow angel and had been talking about it for weeks. In fact, he made a sand angel on the beach in Florida a couple weeks ago because we hadn't had any snow! I think I would like to go back to the beach now! :o)
And in other news, we are on the final countdown for Asa's arrival! My surgery is scheduled for Jan 25th at 12:30 PM! My Mom and Dad are coming up on the 23rd to help us get ready and to stay with Anson and Ella while I am in the hospital. I am so grateful for their help!!! And then Dusty's parents will be coming the next weekend to take over helping! Thank you everyone for your help in advance!! We can't wait to meet our new son! I think he is going to be another big one although everyone seems to think I don't look as big as I was with the other two. I think Asa's position has something to do with that... he is technically "breech" right now. They are going to check his position tomorrow because at this point he probably does not have enough room to turn "head down" . Not that it matters because I'm scheduled for a C Section anyway. :o) I will keep you posted on his arrival and post some pics as soon as I get them!
The snow is so pretty! But I'm with you, after a few days, I'd be sick of it! Ella looks so cute in that hat and coat!
Love the pictures. Ella is especially pretty in her gray snow outfit.
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