Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Questions, Questions, Questions

Anson is full of questions! All day, every day, 365 days a year! From the time he wakes up until I close his door at night, he does not stop talking! I am very thankful for this (most of the time :o) because I never have to wonder what he is thinking about. But other times, I am shameful to admit, I tire of the questions! Don't worry, I try my best to answer each one and when I don't know, I use my stock answer of "Because that's how God made it!"

Here is a sample of recent questions:

Why are Brachiosaurus' so tall?
Why does that man have a hat on?
Why do Moose's like to live in Canada?
Can we go to Antarctica? (Well, Uncle Jared, you have at least ONE taker on that trip! :o)
When can we go to Heaven?
Why can't I hear God talk?
Are they calling for rain today?
How did the baby get into your tummy? (Go ask Daddy!)

Other recent musings, not necessarily questions:

Look, Mommy! I'm so excited! That lady must be having a new baby too! Look at her big tummy! (said in a loud whisper in reference to a rather large woman behind us in line!)
I think you just went through a red light!
That car broke God's rules and now they have to pay a ticket! (someone pulled over by the police)
When I am 16 years old I am going to go to work with Daddy everyday!
Mommy! I just ran all the way to the fence and back in 2 days! Do I get a trophy?

We are thankful for our inquisitive little guy! :o)


Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

:) He is too funny!

Keidi said...

I love it! You encapsulate so many kids with the list of questions he asks, my favorite was: "Why is that man wearing a hat?" Why, indeed. Exhausting! 8)