Sunday: Taught Anson's Sunday School Class. It's always fun to see him in action! He has a crush on little blonde twins who squealed "Anson" in unison when he walked in! The each took one of his hands and lead him to the toys. Too cute!
Monday: Nothing out of the ordinary... just a trip to the chiropractor. Ella still cries every time!
Tuesday: Started out normal then Anson threw up all over the kitchen floor! Nice! Poor little guy was sick all morning and his face was literally green. After the one main incident he was fine, just tired, so I let him watch TV. I kept waiting for someone else to feel ill but we all remained well! Praise the Lord! That is the sickness I fear the most!
Wednesday: Anson much better... back to normal! That night we took him for his first trip to Chuck E. Cheese's! He had a blast! Ella enjoyed it too but didn't really get it. She just liked eating the pizza. We got a few cute pictures of the night.
Thursday: Cold and windy! We stayed inside most of the day. Anson and I worked in some of his workbooks. He is learning how to trace letters. He can identify all the letters and now we're working on numbers. In the evening Dusty and I watched the Gators win the national championship!! Go Gators! It was fun to watch them win! (And more fun to watch Dusty fret over every play!)
Friday: The stress of the game must have been too much on Dusty because Friday he came down with the flu! Poor guy could hardly move. I made him some chicken noodle soup and kept the drinks coming. I took Anson to our friend's house to play. He and Sagan had fun when they weren't arguing about whose turn it was! They both are going through that stage!
Saturday: Dusty still sick! He didn't get out of bed until 3:00 pm! But I think he has turned the corner and is getting a little better. I made my bi-weekly trip to Target with the kids. (Who am I kidding? I go almost every day!) We went to a new Target in Atlantic Station tht has a parking garage and a great view of the city skyline! Very cool! What more could you ask for, Target with a view!
Hope you enjoy your week! Look me up on facebook if you haven't already!! It is so much fun to find old friends and long lost cousins! :o)
1 comment:
I love the pictures! It was great to get caught up with your family! Still no internet--maybe by the weekend! I am going crazy! I am glad you rDad is doing so well. We miss you!
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