Now it is feeling more like home here! Dusty had to travel every week for the past 6 weeks but this was the first week he was home all week! Today he took Anson and Ella out on the St. Johns River in our little john boat. They loved it!! They saw a few alligators and had a fun time just riding in the boat. Ella loved putting her hand in the water as they went but that freaked Anson out. He did not want his hand in where an Alligator could bite him! Ella is my little dare devil :o). Asa and I didn't make it on this trip. We are holding out for the bigger boat! :o) And we had out first over-night guests! Sharon and Sagan, our neighbors from Atlanta and Anson's best little friend, came on Tuesday! We took them to Blue Springs (and i forgot my camera!) and Dusty cooked dinner for us that night. It was fun to see them!! Anson LOVED having Sagan here... he has missed her quite a bit. He loves for us to tell him stories in the car and EVERY story has to be about Sagan! :o)
I am also slowly getting the house decorated and situated the way I like it. There are still a million little things to finish but they will get done sooner or later. No real rush I guess. But it is with mixed emotions that I can say I have a working laundry room now. We have a new drain field in our back yard so I can use the washer now! My Mom had been doing my laundry for the past 6 weeks and I have been pretty spoiled! :o) So now it is back to reality and doing my own laundry! What a great Mom I have!! And my awesome Dad is installing the last of my "office" cabinets tomorrow! I will post some pics asap!
Asa turned 6 months old on Sunday! I can't believe that he has been with us for half a year already! He is such a blessing to us and makes us laugh and smile all day! Every time we look at him he is already smiling as if he is just waiting for us to see him! And he has the BEST belly laugh you have ever heard! I will try to get a video of him and post it. He laughs when he is getting tired which is pretty darn cute! He is eating solid foods now and doing pretty well. He will eat every thing I give him, although no matter what it is he gags on the first few bites! He is learning how to sit up and how to grasp things and bring them to his mouth. He is "talking" quite a bit now and tonight he talked himself to sleep. So cute! He really is a great baby! I just kiss those little cheeks all day! Now if I can get him to freeze at this age ...