Thursday, April 17, 2008

Story Telling...

We have been enjoying being outdoors this spring! Anson is really into finding worms. He carries around a bucket and puts the worms in there when he finds them. We just renovated a corner of our yard for his sandbox and he is loving it! A sand box and a bucket of worms equals hours of fun for a little boy!
And on to the story-telling... Today I was preparing lunch and I had Ella in her exersaucer in the kitchen with me. Anson disappeared to his room and came back with a chair and his Bible. He sat down right in front of Ella and said he was going to tell her a story. He opened his Bible to the Samuel story (his favorite one right now... we read it every night and apparently he has it memorized!) and "read" Ella the whole story! In case you can't understand his 2 year old dialect, this is what he says:
"Samuel was just a little boy but he lived at the tabernacle and helped Eli the priest. One night he heard a voice and thought it was Eli but it was GOD's voice. God had a message for Samuel. Samuel listened and obeyed and listened and obeyed".
Here is the video: Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

(FYI, their Bible is called "My First Bible in pictures" compiled by Kenneth Taylor. It is a great first Bible! It puts the Bible story in words they can easily understand and God is the hero of every story...not just a good moral tale.)

Ella is still on the verge of crawling. Tuesday night she actually moved one knee and one hand forward! She is becoming a real wiggle worm now that she has had a taste of moving on her own.

I guess that is it for now. Have a great weekend!


Keidi said...

Sooooo wonderful! So wonderful that he wanted to read to sweet Ella, so wonderful that he remembered the story and all important points! Made my afternoon! 8) Love, Keidi

TheHarriman Family said...

That video is so precious! That is great that he is remembering the stories so well. By the way, I love the book you are reading right now. It really explains why boys are the way they are :-) Enjoy!